More innovation for companies
Many roads lead to Rome – this also applies to innovation. It is diverse both in its nature and in the way it is created. Strategies range from product and process innovation to disruption of the entire business model. There are no limits to this theme.
UPSTART has been helping companies innovate for nearly ten years. The idea does not always have to originate within the company. Open innovation or innovation partnerships with startups are just two of many possibilities.
We see time and again that companies opt for the wrong strategies and that these only bring moderate success. The often made assumption “more is more” is rather counterproductive. Small measures are usually enough to achieve big effects.
Together with our customers, we develop a holistic innovation strategy with a corresponding roadmap and change existing processes in such a way that they make the company competitive and fit for the future (again) in a short time. We achieve this by cooperating with startups or providing our own innovation department consisting of an individually coordinated team of experts.
What innovation strategy is your company currently pursuing and is it efficient?
How can your company foster innovation within its own ranks?
Which external sources of innovation can be used?
Why will your company be more successful in ten years than now and the current competition?
Let’s talk!