Match investment opportunity and investors
With so many startups, it is increasingly difficult for companies to find the right startups to invest in. But the rush for promising young companies is greater than ever. This makes it all the more important to build up a good deal flow in order to avoid having to resort to the residual ramp in the end.
In our daily work, we see time and again that existing companies establish contact with promising startups too late and select the wrong search criteria for replenishment. Even when the right startup is found, many fail to make a deal.
UPSTART establishes precise search criteria with its clients, identifies suitable search locations and provides appropriate investment proposals. In doing so, we deliver a range of innovation options and assess which options best fit the business. These can be startup collaborations, equity investments or buyouts.
We fully comply with the wishes of our customers, but never without sharing our own recommendations and experience with them. Should the investment opportunity be in the home market or enter a new market? In which industry or market to invest? While our clients focus on their core business, we identify the perfect investment opportunities for their company.
Have you thought about investing in a startup?
Are you aware of the chances of a deal flow?
How do you evaluate investment opportunities?
Do you think sustainably when it comes to your investments?
Let’s talk!